How to Import Your Emission Factor Database
Before You Start
- Download our template for the appropriate scope (Scope 1, 2, or 3)
- Prepare your data in CSV format
- Note that all mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
Understanding Database Types
Scope 3 Databases: Activity vs. Spend
We support two types of Scope 3 databases:
- Activity-Based: Uses physical units (Kg, Litres, etc.)
- Spend-Based: Uses monetary units (USD, EUR, etc.)
⚠️ Important: Don't mix activity and spend units in the same database.
Required Fields and Formats
Date Formats
Acceptable formats for dates:
- DD/MM/YYYY (e.g., 01/01/2022)
- DD-MM-YYYY (e.g., 01-01-2022)
- DD MMM YYYY (e.g., 01 Jan 2022)
- D MMMM YYYY (e.g., 1 January 2022)
Numerical Values
- Use decimal points, not commas (e.g., 0.75 not 0,75)
- Remove any currency symbols or text
- Numbers only in numerical fields
Supported Units of Measurement
Physical Units (Case Sensitive):
- Each
- Employee Per Day
- GJ
- Hour
- Kg
- Km
- Litres
- MJ
- Person
- Person per month
- Tkm
- Tonnes
- kWh
- m2
- m3
Currencies (Case Sensitive):
Valid Categories
Scope 1 (Case Sensitive):
- Mobile Combustion
- Stationary Combustion
- Fugitive Emissions
- Process Emissions
Scope 2 (Case Sensitive):
- Electricity
- Steam and Heat
Fuel and Energy (Y/N)
This field determines whether the Emission Source is a Scope 3 Fuel and Energy related emission factor or not.
Accepted Values:
- YES (Scope 3 Fuel and Energy related):
- Y
- Yes
- True
- T
- 0
- NO (Not Scope 3 Fuel and Energy related):
- N
- No
- False
- F
- 1
- Blank
- The field is not case sensitive.
- Ensure only the specified values are entered to maintain data accuracy.
If you notice something you need is missing please contact our support.
Tips for Success
✓ Always use the template
✓ Check category spelling and case
✓ Verify all mandatory fields are filled
✓ Use correct date formats
✓ Ensure numbers are properly formatted
✓ Use supported units only
✓ Keep spend and activity data separate
✓ Give each database a unique name (can be the same for the 4 imports)
Need help? Our support team is ready to assist you with any import questions.
Last updated on November 6, 2024