How do I cancel my subscription?

Cancel on 30 days notice

To cancel your subscription:

Email and your subscription will be cancelled the same day or go to the billing section if you are the owner and cancel from there.

Cancellation Notice

  • There is a 30 day cancellation notice period for paying Sumday subscriptions. During the notice period, all users will continue to have access to the subscription.
  • Cancellation is for an individual organisation. If you're the subscriber for several organisations (an advisor with multiple clients), cancelling one subscription won’t affect the others.
  • Note that for 12 month subscriptions, you will not be refunded for the months remaining on your subscription.

Export your data on cancellation

  • Once you cancel, you can’t access your platform.
  • We recommend you request an export of all your data before you cancelling your subscription by contacting
  • At the end of the one month cancellation notice period, Sumday will archive your data in order to comply with record-keeping requirements.
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Last updated on October 11, 2023