Tracking Categories Feature

Track emissions to projects, departments, locations

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Tracking Categories is here to for you to take control of your carbon accounting and start making this part of business as usual!

With tracking categories you can…

  1. Create Groups and Sub-Categories: Track emissions by categories most relevant to you, think location, department, project, cost code and more!
  1. Assign Transactions: Easily assign transactions to these tracking categories, enabling tailored and meaningful reporting.
  1. Meaningful Insights: Move towards monthly or quarterly reporting and share with stakeholders to drive action rather than looking backwards once a year.

Key Steps

  1. Click on "Categories"
  1. Click "Create new tracking category" to create a category group.
    1. Notion image
  1. Within each category group, click “Add Option” to create sub categories. You can delete if you’ve made a mistake, or archive if it’s no longer needed, you can also restore archived options if it’s needed again.
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  1. When you’ve create the categories you’d like to track, jump back into the Carbon Ledger and tag the transactions to categories as you reconcile your transactions.
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  1. Once you’ve worked through your assessment and are ready to report, you can filter your reports by tracking categories to extract insights that are meaningful to how you do business!
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Watch this short clip to step through the process
  • Feature Name: Using Tracking Categories
  • Product Location: Transactions
  • Jobs to be done: Tag your reconciled transactions to track emission to projects, business units, offices, locations etc.
  • Summary: This video will show you how to create a tracking category and it’s sub categories, then how to reconcile transactions using tracking categories.
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Last updated on September 4, 2024