Rules Feature

Using rules for efficient coding

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Rules is here to make the carbon bookkeeping process more efficient.

With rules you can…

  1. Go Granular: Sumday gives you the ability to go granular when it comes to coding transactions. Enjoy control over how things are done (there’s no black box here).
  1. Efficiency at Its Best: Set and forget! Set Rules for coding transactions however you see fit, streamlining your process and ensuring consistency.
  1. Simplified Reporting: Move towards monthly or quarterly reporting knowing transactions will be coded according to your rules.

Key Steps

  1. Click on "Rules."
  1. Click "Create New Rule."
  1. Name your rule with a reference that makes sense to you.
  1. Choose if all conditions should match or if any conditions should match.
  1. Decide on the conditions (e.g., Supplier, GL Account).
  1. Set conditions such as “if ‘Supplier’ equals ‘Car-Dashians’ the reconile to Scope 2 emissions”, or “transactions within x GL account goes to x emission source”.
  1. Create the Rule
  1. Jump back into the Carbon Ledger and you’ll see transactions that match your rule
  1. You can then filter to search for the rule, check all entries should go to the rule, and then reconcile it.
Watch this short clip to step through the process
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Last updated on September 4, 2024