Import via CSV upload

Importing data from a CSV template

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Here you can import data from a template CSV file.

The template is linked on the screen or you can download it here.

Once you’ve successfully imported transactions, you’ll reach the Import confirmation screen as the next step.

What data do you need to import?

You are using the template to import the financial transaction of the business during the relevant reporting period.

This data will usually be in an ERP or accounting system. It doesn’t matter what accounting or ERP system you use, you can import your transactions using the CSV upload. Simply ensure you extract the the data set out below and follow the prompts to upload it into Sumday in the CSV template.

The CSV template contains two types of fields ⤵️

Required Data

This is mandatory data required for the transaction to be imported successfully into the product. These fields are:

  1. The Transaction Date - this is the date that the transaction occurred within the accounting system. This information is key to ensuring the transaction relates to the relevant reporting period
  1. The General Ledger Account - this is the specific account in which the transaction has been categorised. The GL Account is important as the nature of the account can be a determining factor in allocating the transaction to the most appropriate emissions source.
  1. Transaction Amount - This is the dollar value associated with the transaction. This is important as an input into spend based carbon accounting procedures but also ensuring the imported amount agrees trial balance to ensure completeness of the import.

Optional Data

This data is not as critical to the carbon accounting process and as such a file can be imported without this information. A summary of each of the specific optional fields is outlined in the table below. This information is generally already being captured in the Accounting/ ERP System so can be pulled in relatively easily in most cases.

These additional fields can provide additional context to the transactions resulting in more accurate coding of GHG inventory source data. They can also provide a high level of granularity, resulting in more detailed carbon accounting reporting if used correctly.

We recommend including transaction reference details in the ‘Description’ column, to provide more context for the Carbon Bookkeeping process.
Field Name
Transaction Date
The date the transaction occurred
The Supplier/ Customer associated with the transaction
Contact Business ID Number
The Business ID number associated with the supplier/customer (e.g NZBN, ABN)
Include the invoice or journal reference number to allow this transaction to be tied back to the source data.
The description of the transaction as outlined from the general ledger transaction details
Tracking Category
If your organisation uses divisional reporting, this will be the relevant reporting category within your account structure.
Account Code
Code, usually numeric, associated with a General Ledger Account
General Ledger Account
This is the Name of the Account in the General Ledger. This will be linked to the Account Code above
This is the monetary value associated with the transaction
Transaction Reference
Any other references related to the transaction that may be useful to include.

What do the fields in the CSV Template mean?

Please do not modify the CSV template columns and headers. If you don’t intend to include data for the optional columns, it is best to leave it blank, otherwise the CSV import will not work.

Deleting the import

If you have accidentally imported the wrong data you can delete the data by clicking the little bin icon.

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If there is a Lock icon, that means the imported transactions cannot be deleted until transactions have been unassigned from worksheets in the assessments section and unreconciled from ‘Reconciled Transactions’.

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Last updated on September 4, 2024