Finalisation screen

The final step after you’ve calculated scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions

This is where you will finalise your assessment for the period. There are guardrails that prompt you to look at areas that need attention before finalising. More on this below.

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Guard rails before you can finalise

A month will appear orange on the Finalisation screen in the Assessments section of the product, when there are one or more errors preventing the finalisation, and the “confirm and finalise” button will be disabled.

To identify the issue preventing you from finalising, you can hover over the icon on the right which will give you a description of the issue.

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What does the purple coin warning icon mean in the finalisation screen?

Hovering over the purple coins warning icon will say “Unassigned transactions will revert to spend based factors”. This means that there are transactions which have been categorised in the data entry section as spend-based, but there are activity-based emission factors also available, so if you are able to source the activity data you can go to the Scope 3 tab in the Assessments section and look for any groups that have transactions tagged as unassigned and create worksheets for these.

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You are able to proceed with finalisation without correcting these purple icon warnings and they will simply default to spend-based.

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What does the orange line graph warning icon mean in the finalisation screen?

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Hovering over the orange line graph warning icon will say “Activity based calculations required”. This means that there are transactions which have been categorised in the data entry section as spend-based, but there are no spend-based emission factors available, so activity data must be entered in the Scope 3 tab in the Accounting section. Just look for any groups that have transactions tagged as unassigned and create worksheets for these.

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What does the orange stop sign warning icon mean in the finalisation screen?

Hovering over the orange stop sign warning icon will say “There are unreconciled transactions in the Carbon Ledger for this month”. This means that there are transactions which have not been categorised in the data entry section. Go to the Carbon Ledger where you will see transactions that have not yet been categorised.

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What does the orange sign with an “i” warning icon mean in the finalisation screen?

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Hovering over the orange sign with an “i” warning icon will say “An error has been identified with an emissions source selected during this period. Click here to let us know and we’ll be in contact to confirm the necessary next steps”.

This means that there are transactions which have errored for some reason which we aren’t easily able to identify. If you click the hyperlink in the tooltip when you hover over the icon in the product, a message will be sent to our developers to investigate further.

Sumday is working on making it easier for you to navigate to the problem transactions from this screen. If you encounter any issues, reach out to
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Last updated on September 4, 2024