Assessments - A Summary

Where the carbon accounting workflow occurs

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In Assessments, you’re diving into the carbon accounting process across scope 1, 2 and 3 in line with the GHG Protocol. The scopes correspond with the level of control a company has over the emissions.

To start, you can select the reporting period you would like to report in line with at the top. To change the assessment period, simply click the calendar icon and select the respective dates.

There are six key sections in Assessments

Overview: In this screen you can get an overview of your assessment for the reporting period selected.

Transactions: This is where you start the carbon accounting assessment by importing financial transactions via CSV template or Xero (our API is on the way for other platforms too).

Carbon Ledger: This is where you complete do the carbon bookkeeping for the reporting period.

Accounting: This is where you upload activity data to do your Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions assessment and its respective categories

Scope 1: Create and edit worksheets to account for scope 1 emissions

Scope 2: Create and edit worksheets to account for scope 2 emissions

Scope 3: Create and edit worksheets to account for scope 3 emissions

Intensity: This is where you create Emissions Intensity Metrics.

Finalisation: Finalise your assessment so no further edits can be made.


Check out your emissions across each scope. Our Dashboard shows a few handy charts and graphs to help visualise your emissions assessment.

If you’d like to create a PowerBI dashboard for your emissions assessment we have a template to facilitate within Reports in Sumday Academy

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A short walkthrough of Sumday’s Glow Up

Sumday’s had a glow up! You’ll notice some things look a little bit different, we’re rocking a sleeker look now across a number of pages and given you more space to get the jobs done, especially helpful when you’re working on smaller screens. Take a look at this short 4 minute video walkthrough through the new changes.

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Last updated on September 4, 2024