Managing Multiple Organisations

When is a separate subscription required?

For organisations with more than one entity within their corporate structure are they required to have a separate account for each entity?


Generally the preferred structure is having a Sumday account for each individual organisation with in the corporate structure, this is primarily for supplier engagement purposes, so if a customer interacts with just one of the entities, only the emissions of that entity will be used as part of accounting for the emissions of goods/services purchased from the organization.


If multiple entities are combined in an assessment, the customer will have to account for the emissions of all of the individual entities, even if they only interacted with one of them. Where multiple organizations have been rolled into one GHG inventory, Sumday can still assign each of the individual organisations with the same emission factor in the database, which will enable these to be incorporated into customer's Scope 3 reporting.


As a general rule a user should create a separate Sumday account if the entities have separate accounting files within their financial accounting software. If each entity has a separate accounting file, then the activity is likely distinct enough to warrant it's own Sumday file. If all entities share a accounting file, then it's reasonable for them to share a Sumday file. If the user elects to have multiple Sumday files for its entities these can be consolidated into an overall GHG inventory.

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Last updated on December 13, 2023