Non-transaction worksheets

How to use non-transaction worksheets to calculate Scope 3 emissions

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Some emission sources and categories under Scope 3 emissions are calculated using data outside of financial transactions. For these emission sources you can create a non-transaction worksheet to account for the emissions.

The common categories that businesses would use non-transaction worksheets for are Employee Commute and Waste Generated in Operations. You can learn about what calculation methods the GHG Protocol standards provide and what data is required in the Introduction to Carbon Accounting Course in the Sumday Academy.

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Using Non-transaction Worksheets

  1. Go to Assessments in the left hand menu.
  1. Go to Accounting
  1. Go to Scope 3
  1. Create a non-transaction worksheet within the respective emission categories. You’ll find the button in the top right hand corner.
  1. Select the respective emission source, unit of measure, and location
  1. Add consumption data into the table.
Watch this short clip to step through the process
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Last updated on September 4, 2024