Create a request

Creating the request to send to suppliers

This is where you reach out to your suppliers and portfolio companies to request primary data. If they don’t have this, they can also access Sumday to get started, including access to the Sumday Academy so they can learn about the how and the why of carbon accounting.

Create a request to contact suppliers and portcos

The engagement process is in your hands, you decide who to contact and you can also customise the request.

While we build more and more features we know you’ll love, this process is supported by your account manager too, so you will have someone on hand to guide you through each step and make any changes you require 💜

Key Steps

  1. Select the period your campaign will be relevant for (this will be the same as your reporting period)
  1. Download an excel template so you can easily copy and paste your contacts
  1. Upload the template
  1. Review your selected contacts and select which questions you want them to receive (you can request custom questions, just email
  1. Send a test to yourself
  1. When you’re happy, approve the campaign
  1. You will then receive an email confirmation that the campaign is live and you will be able to track responses.
It’s best to email your suppliers from your business or relationship manager to give them a heads up on the request, why your business is doing this, and what to expect from Sumday. You can share this handy link with a short video explainer to suppliers in your email Link iconWelcome to Sumday
Watch this short clip to step through the process
  • Feature Name: Create a request
  • Product Location: Engagement
  • Jobs to be done: Upload chosen contacts to engage, review the questions, and approve the campaign
  • Summary: This video will show you how to create a request, upload your suppliers to Sumday, preview what your suppliers will see, and finally approve the request.
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