Carbon Summary by Month

Monthly summary by emission categories

Carbon Summary by Month

This report summarises the monthly totals for each scope 1, 2 and 3 subcategories. This is useful for seeing trends over the reporting period. This report can be exported and imported into third party dashboards and reporting products such as Spotlight Sustain.

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Key data you’ll find in this report:

  • Breakdown by emission categories
  • Total CO2e per month for each category
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Export these working reports to excel or csv

Export these working reports to excel for more detailed analysis and reporting, or integrate into PowerBi (find the template in Reports in Sumday Academy).

Find the export button in the top right hand corner by the date picker.

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Filter by tracking categories

You can apply filters based on the tracking categories you’ve created to extract emission information by location / office / business unit / factory / product / any category you find meaningful for how you do business!

You can now share meaningful Insights with stakeholders to drive action rather than looking backwards once a year.

Visit here to learn more about Tracking Categories

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Integration with Spotlight Sustain

The Carbon Summary Report can be exported from Sumday and imported into Spotlight Sustain, check out this overview video on how it works ⬇️

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Last updated on September 4, 2024