Carbon Baseline Report

One-click for your full GHG inventory report

Carbon Baseline Report

This is a one-click downloadable report that provides a comprehensive starting point for your GHG Inventory Baseline Report. It provides a detailed overview of your carbon emissions across all scopes, categories, and all of this is auto populated using the data from your emissions assessment within Sumday! It also comes with pre-populated disclosure notes to cover your basis of preparation and templates for you to qualitative information such as your reduction targets and progress so far.

This report is downloaded as docx. format for you to customise and tailor as suits! Note the yellow highlights are key areas for you to update.
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Key information you’ll find in this GHG Inventory Report:

  • Disclosure notes covering:
    • Approach to Measuring GHG Emissions
    • Targets and Emission Reduction Initiatives
    • Basis of preparation and accounting policies
    • Data Quality and Uncertainty
    • Supply chain emissions data quality
    • Emissions Factors
  • Auto-populated data from your emissions assessment in Sumday:
    • Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions
    • Breakdown by category
    • Year on Year movement tables broken down by emissions category
    • Summary of Emissions Factor Sources
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This report is built based on our customisable GHG Inventory Report Template from our Reports resources in the Academy

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Last updated on September 4, 2024