Calculating Scope 1 Emissions

How to calculate Scope 1

In this section you will see each of the four categories listed as Scope 1 under the GHG Protocol:

  • Mobile Combustion
  • Stationary Combustion
  • Fugitive Emissions
  • Process Emissions

You can learn about each of these categories in the Introduction to Carbon Accounting Course in Sumday Academy

Notion image

Calculating Scope 1 Emissions

  1. Go to Assessments in the left hand menu.
  1. Go to Accounting
  1. Go to Scope 1
  1. Click into each category that’s relevant for your business. If you’re just using fuel for cars, it will just be mobile consumption.
  1. You’ll see a table on screen. This is what we call an Activity Data Worksheet.
  1. Click add item and (you can start with 1 or add 20 if you have a lot of vehicles for example) or use the Import button to download a bulk import template.
  1. Enter the asset name, select the fuel type, location and enter the consumption data
  1. Once you have entered your data, click close.
  1. You can also Export the worksheet and use the consumption data for trend analysis.
Watch this short clip to step through the process

What data do I need to calculate?

Here’s a table with the information you need for each category. For most businesses you need fuel and gas usage. You can put this data into Sumday and to calculate your Scope 1 emissions.

If you don’t own any vehicles, fridges, gas equipment or chemical processing equipment - there’s a good chance you don’t have any scope 1 emissions.

You can learn more in the Introduction to Carbon Accounting Course in Sumday Academy

Data Sources
Mobile Combustion
A list of transport assets that consume fuel e.g. cars, buses, trains, ships The amount of fuel used in the period
Fuel purchase receipts / Fuel cards / Mileage Records Fleet Records
Stationary Combustion
A list of non-moving assets that consume fuel e.g. LPG Cookers in commercial kitchens, furnaces, boilers The amount of fuel used in the period
Fuel purchase receipts / Fuel cards Fuel Management Records
Fugitive Emissions
A list of assets that uses refrigerants e.g. fridges, air conditioners The type of refrigerant or fire suppressant used and total refrigerant charge for the period
Asset models Service records Equipment user manual
Process or Chemical Emissions
This one is very industry specific, some examples are: Amount of CO2 from the fermentation process, CO2 from the calcination process for cement production
Tracking systems
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Last updated on September 4, 2024