Bulk Import Feature

How to add consumption data in bulk

Notion image

Key Steps

  1. Click on Accounting
  1. Jump into either Scope 1 or Scope 2
  1. Click the ‘Import’ button
  1. Download the bulk import template
    1. Note: If you open the template in Excel, Excel may automatically update the format of the dates in the file. You will not be able to import the file back into Sumday unless these dates are in the format “mmm yyyy”. To do this, select all of the dates, right click and go to format cells, go to custom, and enter “mmm yyyy” in the Type field. If you have any trouble reach out to support@sumday.io
    2. Notion image
  1. Populate the template with asset names, fuel type, location, as well as respective consumption data. Note: Check what fuel type and locations are available in Sumday first and populate these details with the same text. If you need help or have questions, reach out to support@sumday.io
  1. Upload the populated template back into Sumday.
Watch this short clip to step through the process
  • Feature Name: Bulk Import
  • Product Location: Accounting
  • Jobs to be done: Upload consumption data for Scope 1 and 2 assets in one go.
  • Summary: This video will show you how to upload consumption data for Scope 1 and Scope 2.
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Last updated on September 4, 2024