An Overview of the Platform

What is Sumday and how do I navigate?

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What is Sumday?

Sumday is a carbon accounting platform, used by organisations and their accountants or advisors to account and report on their carbon emissions to an audit ready standard. Sumday enables customers to comply with the GHG Protocol and ensures every calculation is fully transparent.

💜 Customers love Sumday because:

  • It’s accessible for all - Sumday is used by small businesses through to public companies
  • We put education first, providing online courses and resources to help advisors and businesses build internal knowledge
  • The accounting is fully transparent - users can see and download every emissions factor applied
  • The accounting platform enables users to perform detailed, granular carbon accounting
  • Every organisation can pass on free access to Sumday to their suppliers, spreading the education and support they need to get started too

Key Product Features

This section will step through the key features in Sumday.

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Click each link to jump into the tutorial guides.


Home Page: This shows which organisation you are in and quick links to the Academy, to start importing transactions, and start scope 3 engagement.

Assessments: This is where the carbon accounting gets done. Import your financial transactions via CSV template or Xero (our API is on the way for other platforms too) to complete your carbon bookkeeping for the reporting period in the Carbon Ledger. In Accounting, upload activity data to do your Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions assessment. In Overview, you’ll also see a breakdown of your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions based on the work you do in Sumday.


  • Carbon General Ledger Report: See a breakdown of all emissions by scope, input, Emissions Factor and EF Database. Your auditors will love this.
  • Carbon Trail Balance: A higher level summary of emissions by scope.
  • Carbon Summary by Month: Great for exporting and integrating into more detailed reporting or PowerBi for example.
  • Net Zero Graph: Insert targets and track progress.

Documents: Here you can upload any supporting links and files.

Engagement: Upload your own suppliers, send a template form and give them access to Sumday for 60 days. Track Responses in the dashboard and tables. Export answers for deeper analysis as you need. They’ll love the free help, after all, you won’t be the only customer asking for this data, but you may be the only one offering practical support!

Academy: Upskill with market leading courses in financed emissions, introduction to carbon accounting (advanced for those doing the accounting and more basic for general business stakeholders). Access articles, excel template business cases, workpapers and other tutorials. Suggest content if there’s something you’d love to see.

Watch this short clip to step through the process
  • Feature Name: The Side Menu
  • Product Location: Home Screen
  • Jobs to be done: Know where to go in Sumday to do the jobs to be done.
  • Summary: This video will show you how to navigate the side menu and what each section means.
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Last updated on September 4, 2024