What are the categories within the GHG Protocol?

The GHG Protocol has 3 scopes of emissions.

Scope 1

  1. Mobile Combustion
  1. Stationary Combustion
  1. Fugitive Emissions
  1. Process or Chemical Emissions

Learn more about Scope 1 emissions here

Scope 2

  1. Purchased Electricity
  1. Purchased Steam, Heat and Cooling (non-electricity)

Learn more about Scope 2 emissions here

Scope 3 emissions

Scope 3 is divided into 15 categories:

  1. Purchased Goods and Services (PG&S)
  1. Capital Goods
  1. Fuel and Energy-Related Activities
  1. Upstream Transportation and Distribution
  1. Waste Generated in Operations
  1. Business Travel
  1. Employee Commuting
  1. Upstream Leased Assets
  1. Downstream Transportation and Distribution
  1. Processing of Sold Products
  1. Use of Sold Products
  1. End-of-life treatment of Sold Products
  1. Downstream Leased Assets
  1. Franchises
  1. Investments

Learn more about Scope 3 emissions here

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