An overview of the BC ME Emissions Factor Source


Document outlines the methodology for reporting B.C Public Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In general Canadian Emissions factors come directly for Canadian Federal Government which can be found here. For some EF sources and organsiations the BC factor may represent a more appropriate set of factors.

Details for the BC ME source can be found here
Details for the BC ME source can be found here
Full Source Name
British Columbia Ministry of Environment
Sumday Concise Name
Emissions factors published by the government of British Columbia
Source Type
Government/ International Organisation
Most Recent Release Year
Earliest Release Year
Next Expected Release Date
No information available
Sumday Take
In general the Federal Canadian Government emissions factors that are going to be most relevant for Canadian organsiations however is specific contents the BC emissions factor may be relevant. Organisations should review the appropriateness of these emissions factors in the broader context of other available factors before incorporating them into their inventory.

Summary of Related Datasets

Dataset Name
Dataset Last Update
Details coming soon!
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