UK DESNZ: Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021

An overview of the the UK DESNZ 2021 Dataset

UK DESNZ: Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021

Sumday Concise Name
Annually the UK Government published an Emission Factor dataset for UK businesses to use in the preparation of voluntary reporting or disclosures under SECR. This dataset represents the 2021 release.
UK Department of Energy Security and Net Zero. (2021). Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021. Author.
Source Type
Government/ International Organisation
United Kingdom, General
Source URL
Date Last Updated
Default Effective Date - Start
Default Effective Date - End
Notes on dates
The source provides the following guidance on applying these factors to your GHG Inventory: - By default EFs are effective for the calendar year - Where the reporting period ends part way through the calendar year, organisations should adopt the annual factors that cover the majority of the calendar year (e.g a period ending 31/03/23 would use the 2022 factors). - For reporting periods ending 30 June, entities should use the most recent calendar year’s EFs
Release Frequency
GHG Protocol Scope
Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3
GHG Protocol Sub-Category
Mobile Combustion Stationary Combustion Fugitive Emissions Electricity Scope 2: Other Purchased Goods and Services Capital Goods Fuel- and energy-related activities Transportation and distribution Waste Generated in Operations Business Travel Employee Commuting End-of-Life Disposal
Type of Data
Activity Based
Cradle-to-Gate Well-to-Tank
GHG Outputs
CO2e CO2 (limited) CH4 (limited) NO2 (limited)
Spend-Base Info
Source Currency
Time Value Base Year
Transformations in Source Data
Inflation adjusted by Sumday by default
Data Quality
Data Quality assessed quantitatively by Source
What the source says about its data quality
Source publishes a detailed methodology paper with each release, however data quality or uncertainty has not been qualified by the source.
Sumday’s take
The emissions factors published by UK DESNZ are activity based factors, compiled by a reputable governmental source and are released frequently ensuring changes in the latest scientific understanding are incorporated. These factors would indicate a relatively high level of data quality, however it is important to note that they are still based on average data and that judgement should always be used in in the selection of emissions factors, especially if the dataset does not directly relate to geographic
Type of License
Open Government License
License URL
Sumday’s take
Use these factors to your hearts content, just remember to cite the good folks in the UK government.
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Last updated on October 29, 2023