Lindstad et al. (2020)

An overview of the Lindstad et al. Emissions Factor Source


This academic paper provides a meta analysis on the emissions associated with the supply and combustion of various fuel sources in a marine connect. It provides data for both Well-to-Wake and Well-to-Tank emissions factors.

Details for the Lindstad et al. (2020) source can be found here
Details for the Lindstad et al. (2020) source can be found here
Full Source Name
Lindstad, E.; Eskeland, G.S.; Rialland, A.; Valland, A. Decarbonizing Maritime Transport: The Importance of Engine Technology and Regulations for LNG to Serve as a Transition Fuel. Sustainability 202012, 8793.
Sumday Concise Name
Lindstad et al. (2020)
Well-to-Wake and Well-to-Tank emissions factors associated with with Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) as well as other maritime fuel sources.
Source Type
Academic Literature
Most Recent Release Year
Earliest Release Year
Next Expected Release Date
No information available
Sumday Take
Were other Well-to-tank LNG emissions factors are not available this study can provide a reasonable alternative. Organisations should review the appropriateness of this EF in the context of their broader inventory and the the business’ operations and value-chain.

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