An overview of the AusLCI Emissions Factor Source


The Australian National Life Cycle Inventory Database (AusLCI) is a major initiative currently being delivered by the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS). The aim is to provide and maintain a national, publicly-accessible database with easy access to authoritative, comprehensive and transparent environmental information on a wide range of Australian products and services over their entire life cycle.

The website for AusLCI can be found here
The website for AusLCI can be found here
Full Source Name
The Australian National Life Cycle Inventory Database
Sumday Concise Name
The project brings together stakeholders from industry, government and academia to develop a methodology to standardise the interpretation of ISO 14040 in Australia. The LCI database will then enable suppliers to use LCA to reduce environmental impacts and to appropriately promote the environmental attributes of their products and services.
Source Type
Academic Literature
Most Recent Release Year
Earliest Release Year
No information available
Next Expected Release Date
No information available
Sumday Take
AusLCI is contains primarily activity based cradle-to-gate emissions factors with coverage of Australian activities. For Australian based organsiations this source is often a preferred option given the fact that it is updated regularly, has good coverage and contains location specific and granular data.

Summary of Related Datasets

Dataset Name
Dataset Last Update
Details coming soon!
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Last updated on July 28, 2024